Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

At the Zoo

Just a simple image of two fellows enjoying a day at the zoo!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

He Follows You

This fellow is inspired by a ghost story back home. I've heard about this man from several people. He wears a black cloak, and upon certain road he will follow you, without you taking notice. He gains on you with unnatural speed, as if drifting along. His eyes in this picture are inspired by a memorable bout of Old Hag, or sleep paralysis I've had awhile ago.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

A Violent Act Of Self Spamming

Well, since I haven't really got anything overly profound or life affirming yet, I figured I may as well post some of that stuff I do....what is it. Oh! Art, that fiddly stuff I like to draw so much.

The first up is Hell, inspired by the Garden of Earthly Delights by Bosch. I wanted to take those wonderfully creepy monsters and make them more cartoonish, add in my own touch of creepy humor and just envision a Hell in which it's just another day.

And here's a work in progress of one of my favorite comic book superheroes, Swamp Thing.

That's all for now, as mainly this was just an excuse to get used to posting on this thing. Huzzah!